Snoremark in Ugebladet Søndag Magazine

Patience – Patience

On a sunny day in the summer of 2015, reporter Rikke Hast and her photographer Hanne Loop from Ugebladet Søndag came to Snoremark to listen to the story of our mead adventure – and to taste each variant, of course!

It turned out to be a really nice day and the meadowsweet was in full blossom and the plantation looked its best.

Our Icelandic dog, Bjørg, and our young summer holiday visitor, Djemma, posed willingly as models. And then we waited, very excited, to see the results on print.

But timing turned out to be essential as printing an all summer article in the fall was a ‘no go’. So we had to wait until the following summer so that the photos and the season would match.

And then, in the first summer edition, we saw the article – brilliantly written and with fantastic photos.

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