Gefion and the Snoremark logo

The Snoremark apple mead logo is not an elegant Japanese character although it could resemble one. Our logo is a stone carving from the Bronze Age, which shows the goddess Gefion, who is plowing. She can be seen in a dramatic and fascinating version at Langelinje in Copenhagen, where the water is pouring out of the great Gefion fountain.

Gefion, the fertility goddess was allowed by the Swedish king to take as much land as she could plow from sunrise to sunset. She transformed her sons into bulls, harnessed them to the plow, and managed to plow a huge area out of Sweden. It left a giant hole in Sweden in the form of Lake Mälaran. Gefion brought the land she acquired with her into the marriage with King Skjold. They settled in the center of her country – Zealand, more specifically in Lejre also known as Skjoldungeland.

Originally, we had chosen the logo because the earliest traces of mead in Denmark are from the Bronze Age, and since our farm Snoremark has historical roots dating back hundreds of years, we thought that the carvings could illustrate Snore with his plow. But as we uncovered the true story behind the symbol, the higher meaning arose. The story of Gefion illustrates how all the raw materials for Snoremark apple mead – honey, apples, herbs and berries are and always has been grown and harvested in Zealand.


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