Snoremark Applemead / Hops 500ml


Availability: 48 in stock

A unique mead to be enjoyed as an aperitif or with cheese, in the style of a white port, Sauternes or Muscat, but made from pure Nordic products: organic apple juice, honey and hops.

SKU: 5712504012025 Category: Tag:

Food :

This mead was awarded the gold medal at the 2015 International Food Contest in competition with other Danish fruit wines.

Danish Forum for Fruit Wine’s Mead of the Year 2015-2017.

Big elderflower bouquet, tangy-sweet and slightly bitter. Recommended as an aperitif, with cheese or tapas.

Enjoy chilled at about 14 degrees. Approx. 12-14 glasses per bottle.

Shelf-life after opening:
3-4 months in the fridge.

Net weight: 500 grams = 500 ml
Package size: 8 * 0.5 litre per carton
EAN barcode: 5712504012025

This apple mead is brewed with the aromatic hops cascade, which is also known from beer brewing. Already in the early Middle Ages, the brewers began to exploit the good qualities of hops. The bitter substances of the plant both stabilize and clarifies the brew and the aromas add to the amazing flavor, which is also utilized in Snoremark’s Apple mead.
The hops plant has a strong growth and can under the right conditions shoot seven feet high. Therefore hops are often considered a weed in modern gardens, but previously hops were a widely used cultural plant in Denmark, and many farms cultivated it for their own brewing. The annual hops harvest in September was a crowd-puller. Helpers came to the farms from near and far. It was widely known that no children were born nine months after the hops harvest and that was fully exploited. Today, it has been shown that the hops’ fragrances may have an estrogen-like effect. Perhaps the large amounts of hops in the air have delayed ovulation until after the harvest.
Hops, as many have experienced, have a mild slowing effect. During the First World War, a German field doctor recommended that the trench soldiers sew hops into small bags, to lay under the pillow. It would ensure their night’s sleep in the midst of war’s horrors.
We recommend drinking Snoremarks Apple mead with hops as aperitif or with the cheese board, but it may also work as a nightcap.

The apple:
This apple mead is brewed with the apple varieties Colina and Discovery. They both ripen early and are full of juice and sweetness, which goes very well with the aromatic hops. Both varieties are robust and therefore suitable for organic farming.

The bees:
The apple trees on Snoremark are entirely dependent on the bees pollination to produce fruit, and of course we are dependent on the honey of the bees to our mjød.

Read more about the bees here


Judges’ statement, 2017 Danish Forum for Fruit Wine competition: ‘The most impressive mead of the day! A good idea to use hops, which give the mead a lovely aromatic character and a well-balanced bitterness.’

Weight1 kg
Dimensions38 × 19 × 11 cm
This mead's slight bitterness makes it very suitable for the more demanding cheeses, for lunch or as tapas. Many people have also replaced the traditional aquavit by this hops variant. You could also try it in drinks, for example with whiskey and liqueur or perhaps with club soda and lime as a welcome drink.
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